Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Futurism is an art genre to celebrate and compete with the age of the machines. Futurism is a technique in which painters attempt to paint and capture motion as cameras do. It started in Italy in the 20th century; it became a big phenomenon in Italy. Futurism was founded by Fillipo Tommaso Marinetti a very famous Italian writer. Futurist greatly admired speed, technology, violence, the plane, the industrial city and the rise of the machine. Futurism was just of paintings it was also of sculpting, graphic designing, music, fashion, films, and many others.
The painting and sculpting of futurism started in Italy when Marinetti met with Giacomo Balla and Gino Severini, and with the help of Boccioni, CarrĂ  and Russolo they issued the Manifesto of the Futurist Painters. A lot of futurism art is of movement, life experiences, violence, and the development of cities. Futurist artist also sculpted many pieces such as Umberto Boccioni’s Unique Forms of Continuity in Space, which was created 1913. This sculpture consists of movable parts that make sounds.
There are many different types of futurism such as Cubo Futurism, Cubo- Futurism originated in Russia from Russian Futurists influenced by cubism. Futurism Music was made to compete with the age of the machine. Futurism was at its peak during World War I but after it ended Futurism started to decline greatly.

Wikipedia. Futurism. 28 Oct. 2008. 26 Oct. 2008

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