Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Giacomo Balla

Giacomo Balla was a famous Italian painter who was born July 18, 1871. At first he study music but later he had become interested in art. When Giacomo Balla moved to Rome in 1895 for further studies where he married Elisa Marcucci. Before futurism he was an illustrator and caricaturist, in 1899 his work portrayed in various places such as Rome, Venice, Berlin, Germany, and Paris. Later Giacom Balla was influenced in the style of futurism by Fillipo Tommaso Marinetti. Later on Marinetti, Balla, and other futurist artist issued the manifesto of futurism.
Giacomo Balla tried to portray how the world was in constant movement in some of pieces like Dynamism of a Dog on a Leash he used it to portray how a dog’s legs are constantly moving like the world.
Balla was credited for a lot of futurism art pieces, such as, Dynamism of a Dog on a Leash, Velocità astratta + rumore better known as Abstract Speed + Sound, and sculpting Boccioni’s fist. Giacomo Balla’s works of art influenced many and he also taught the famous futurism painter Umberto Boccioni. At a time during World War I Balla’s studio was the meeting place for young artists everywhere. After World War I futurism started to decline and so did the number of artists at his studio. On March 1, 1958 Giacomo Balla died in Rome.

Work Cited: "Giacomo Balla - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 29 Oct. 2008. 27 Oct. 2008

1 comment:

Ross Roemer said...

Read over your blogs aloud, there are numerous errors that could be caught by doing this process. Interesting choices of art but get in the habit of only using Wikipedia as a secondary source, not as your only primary source.